
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Help Developing Country for Better World

The significant distinct between rich countries and developing countries has creating symbiotic mutualism in many aspects. It is argued that people in developed countries should giving aid to poor nations during natural disasters. Considering the essential of international relations, I strongly agree with this opinion and will explain the reason in this essay.

Helping others is one of moral actions to show empathy that is good for the relationship between rich nations and third world countries. It may established good bonding that can end to a beneficial agreement in the future--good for both of these countries. Take Tsunami disaster that happened in Aceh, Indonesia in 2004 as an example of natural disaster that end to good bilateral relation between Indonesia and Japan.

Furthermore, it must be all countries over the globe responsibility to keep this world as a safe place for all populations, Both wealth nations and people in developing countries have a same vision to look after world natural resources and also the endangered creatures--where mostly located in Asia and Africa. Another example that illustrated this condition was happened in 2016 where forest fire had devoured almost 30% of the world's lungs in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Indonesia was given money and technology aid by several wealth countries. The fact is that most of industrial countries like European nations pay tax for pollute they produced and for reforestation of green areas in the world, particularly in a number of developing countries.

To conclude, it is certain that natural disasters in developing countries is also rich countries’ concern in order to maintain the relation of both countries and obey world environmental agreement to keep the world secure and convenience for people, flora, and fauna all over the globe.

Nursing Home for Old People: who will pay the cost?

Nowadays, nursing homes have been a preference to live for most of old people in England. They assume that in this place the nursing will take them care well and also stay connected with other old British community. However, there must be cost that usually paid by government.

In my view, covering Britain people needs in their old days is appropriate policy. Since the people had been contributed in this country for a long period, it is certain that the government should give feedback such as old age guarantees. As a wealth nations, it is very possible for UK to administer this community.

Nevertheless, we can not directly give this privilege to all of people in Britain. Although the British government can assist, it may cause over demand and side impacts if we do not fund the proper person. Beside that, their sons, daughters, or relatives should held accountable first as the significant part of the old people to look after at. Not only that, the government should consider their financial status--whether they are poor, average income, or rich people who do not need extra fund from the government to live their old days. By regarding several circumstances, the government will allocate money wisely.

To conclude, funding Britain old people's live in nursing homes supposed to be government social responsibility. However, it should be focused on homeless and people who live alone. It is highly recommended to their children or relatives for caring them instead of sending them to nursing homes and depend on government funding.