The significant distinct between rich
countries and developing countries has creating symbiotic mutualism in many
aspects. It is argued that people in developed countries should giving aid to
poor nations during natural disasters. Considering the essential of
international relations, I strongly agree with this opinion and will explain
the reason in this essay.
Helping others is one of moral actions to show empathy that is good for the
relationship between rich nations and third world countries. It may established
good bonding that can end to a beneficial agreement in the future--good for
both of these countries. Take Tsunami disaster that happened in Aceh, Indonesia
in 2004 as an example of natural disaster that end to good bilateral relation
between Indonesia and Japan.
Furthermore, it must be all countries over the globe responsibility to keep
this world as a safe place for all populations, Both wealth nations and people
in developing countries have a same vision to look after world natural resources
and also the endangered creatures--where mostly located in Asia and Africa.
Another example that illustrated this condition was happened in 2016 where
forest fire had devoured almost 30% of the world's lungs in Kalimantan,
Indonesia. Indonesia was given money and technology aid by several wealth
countries. The fact is that most of industrial countries like European nations
pay tax for pollute they produced and for reforestation of green areas in the
world, particularly in a number of developing countries.
To conclude, it is certain that natural disasters in developing countries is
also rich countries’ concern in order to maintain the relation of both
countries and obey world environmental agreement to keep the world secure and
convenience for people, flora, and fauna all over the globe.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Help Developing Country for Better World
Nursing Home for Old People: who will pay the cost?
Nowadays, nursing homes have been a preference
to live for most of old people in England. They assume that in this place the
nursing will take them care well and also stay connected with other old British
community. However, there must be cost that usually paid by government.
In my view, covering Britain people needs in their old days is appropriate
policy. Since the people had been contributed in this country for a long
period, it is certain that the government should give feedback such as old age
guarantees. As a wealth nations, it is very possible for UK to administer this
Nevertheless, we can not directly give this privilege to all of people in
Britain. Although the British government can assist, it may cause over demand
and side impacts if we do not fund the proper person. Beside that, their sons,
daughters, or relatives should held accountable first as the significant
part of the old people to look after at. Not only that, the government should
consider their financial status--whether they are poor, average income, or rich
people who do not need extra fund from the government to live their old days.
By regarding several circumstances, the government will allocate money wisely.
To conclude, funding Britain old people's live in nursing homes supposed to be
government social responsibility. However, it should be focused on homeless and
people who live alone. It is highly recommended to their children or relatives
for caring them instead of sending them to nursing homes and depend on
government funding.
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Blaming Parents for Obese Kids
Parents are kid's influencer who will never want to teach
bad or give negative impacts. They always provide what the best for their
children including food. However, we should consider some educated parents who
have less information about healthy and nutritious food. Instead of giving them
punishment, they should be informed or warned by government and society to
serve high quality food for their children.
Blaming parents only lead this condition to the endless
problem. We should look up to several factors which also contribute in children
obesity. Furthermore, the environment and the genetic issue also affected to
kid's eating habit. Children need direction to balance it with physical exercises
such as sports.
To sum up, blaming parents and giving them embracement because of their obese children will make it become worse. Yet we can acknowledge the parents about the essential of nutritious food and sport activities for balancing the intake calories to prevent the children obesity.
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Fossil fuels vs Electric Cars
These days, the number of cars has
increased rapidly, especially in developing countries. This condition is
directly proportional to the using of fossil fuels which lead to several
impacts in terms of natural resources and environment. Therefore, the idea to
replace the conventional cars with electric cars should be applied.
As the energy of conventional cars to move, fossil fuel has came from
non-renewable natural resource. Indonesia's government suggested the amount of
oil tend to decrease ugly 80% by 2030. Despite the reducing of fossil fuel, the
innovation of electric cars using light energy from the sun may be our new
hope. Light energy might be people preference in the future due to its limitless
resource. Hence, we should use fossil fuels wisely for now, while preparing for
new alternative energy resource in the future.
Furthermore, fossil fuels has negatively affected to the environment. The
result of fossil fuels burning process is by-product such as carbon monoxide
which contribute to air pollution that affected to respiratory system. The
Health Ministry of Indonesia stated the number of citizen who got respiratory
infection then to surge in several province's capital cities in Indonesia. In
addition, electric cars using light energy may overcome this problem. Theoretically,
light energy will be cheaper in the future and environmental friendly because
the source is abundant and has no pollute.
There are many benefits by changing our conventional cars to electric cars. To
sum up, the utilization of light energy to electricity for electric cars will
keep the environment and the entire of natural resource in the world.
Should parents spend more time for helping children with their homework?
Nowadays, parents send their children to school in
order to ensure the best education for their children. Some parents may think
that education is school responsibility. Although the school education system
has been designed well, parents still have to take a part in this system,
especially for homework children get after school. Many types of task teacher
gave for children requires parent's control. It appears to me that parents
should spare their time for children in terms of education.
It is certain that children are the best imitators who have to always be
influenced by good models. By helping children in homework, they will absorb
knowledge effectively. Parents can make two way discussion which trigger
children's critical thinking remarkably rather than a teacher who has to handle
30-40 students at the class. Not only that, while parents assist their children
in homework, they can also tell some motivations and advices which build their
son/daughter's personality.
Although parents have much workload at the office, they may spare at least an
hour for their children to do the homework together. It is also one of the best
way to create parental bonding. Though this way, a good communication will be
established and parents can be more understand their kids. Moreover, will feel
a huge support from their mom and dad in education. Then, they will feel more
in charge in their study in order to make their parents proud.
To sum up, spending extra time for giving aid to do homework should be done by
parents. This may be a good and effective learning method to nurture their
children and also make a good relationship between father, mother, and
Monday, April 2, 2018
Seleksi PPAN AISEP 2018
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Curhatan Ketika Jadwal Yudisium Barengan dengan Jadwal Interview di Nutrifood
Monday, February 19, 2018
Sebuah Percakapan dengan Diri Sendiri
Nggak kerasa sudah memasuki fase-fase "memilih" lagi. Abis lulus mau ke A atau B? Mau jadi X atau Z?
Mungkin ini yang dibilang orang kalau hidup itu pilihan. Dulu pas SD kudu milih mau lanjut ke SMP mana. Rasanya kayak gampang aja, gitu buat milih SMPN 1 Malang. Secara Bundaku, Budeku, alumni argowulas (nama keren SMP 1). Spensa (singkatan SMP 1) juga termasuk SMP favorit di Malang. Dan nggak sulit buat aku mutusin buat nyoba daftar program akselerasi waktu itu. Kayaknya aku udah paling percaya sama pilihan kedua orang tua. Selain milih spensa untuk menyenangkan orang tua, mereka juga pasti mau yang terbaik buat anaknya.
Yah, meskipun jadi anak aksel (singkatan dari akselerasi) di SMP juga banyak suka, duka, dan tantangannya, sih. Nggak mulus-mulus aja gitu. Sebenernya lumayan, sih, menghemat umur setahun. Tapi, jadi nggak bisa aktif ikut ekskul dengan maksimal. Belajar terus? Ya gimana nggak belajar kalau bagi anak aksel setahun ada 3 semester. Sempet banyak drama dan pro kontra, sih, pas menjalani kehidupan aksel di SMP. Stress sih. Tapi nggak segitunya bikin stress kayak mata pelajarannya yang semua serba 'ngebut'.
Baru-baru ini aku dapet info kalau program aksel ini udah dihapuskan. Kayaknya mentri pendidikan akhirnya menyadari kalau program ini cukup menekan psikis siswa. Huhu sebagai alumni anak aksel saya berasa jadi korban di masa lalu.
Bhawikarsu (nama keren SMA 3) ini isinya orang-orang yang kompetitif dan punya bakat semua. Amazing. Aku yang dulunya pas SMP ekskulnya kayak setengah-setengah karena tuntuan aksel, jadi menyesal karena nggak punya bakat menonjol. Kesenian nggak jago, olah raga cuma kalo mood, ngerjain soal olimpiade gitu otakku nggak nyampe. Berada di lingkungan yang anaknya udah jago-jago tanpa membawa bekal, serba salah sekali bukan?
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Pesan dari Kereta (2)
Jujur kami ngantuk banget karena kereta kami berangkat jam 12 siang, jam-jam ngantuk. Kebetulan, Kereta Kahuripan lagi sepi banget. Kami yang seharusnya duduk di bangku yang berdekatan, justru memilih bangku-bangku lain yang masih kosong supaya bisa tidur.
gerbong kosong. itu ada kaki nyempil, kaki Momon lagi tiduran |
Pesan dari Kereta (1)
Sama Momon dan Ulfa di stasiun kereta api |
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Film Normies
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Syarat Yudisium
Tulisan ini meyambung postingan sebelumnya tentang Syarat Daftar Ujian. Alhamdulillah kemarin baru aja ngumpulin berkas yudisium. Yah meskipun ada yang kurang aja ternyata. Well, ternyata daftar yudisium nggak seribet yang aku pikir. Berkasnya lebih sedikit daripada syarat daftar ujian; draft jurnal acc dosbing, poster acc dosbing, lembar persetujuan, lembar pengesahan, surat pernyataan publikasi, form U9, form U5, dan screenshot bukti upload jurnal ke JPA (Jurnal Pangan dan Agroindustri). Nah, 2 berkas yang terakhir disebutin itu, belum ngumpulin.
Buat yudisium, skripsi yang sudah selesai wajib dibuat jurnal dan poster ilmiahnya. Pembuatan jurnal nggak terlalu sulit karena tinggal copas intinya dari skripsi. Nah, buat poster ini agak PR ya, karena saya tidak jago desain. Aplikasi ngedit yang saya bisa cuma Photoshop disaat lainnya udah pindah Corel Draw. Awalnya ngedit pake Photoshop. Dan jadinya aneh banget.
Pake Photoshop (nggak proporsional, kaku, berantakan) |
Pake Power Point! (bikinnya gampang, lebih rapi dan proporsional love it!) |
Friday, February 2, 2018
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Mau Jadi Apa?
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Syarat Daftar Ujian
Di awal tahun yang selalu menggebu-gebu dan bersemangat dalam mewujudkan resolusi masing-masing, aku mau cerita nih tentang salah satu target aku di tahun ini, yaitu: SEGERA LULUS S1. FYI teman-teman, mungkin aku ngga kayak mahasiswa umumnya yang melakukan penelitian dan ujian skripsi sebagai tugas akhir. Alhamdulillah di kampusku ada salah satu jalur lagi untuk meraih gelar sarjana yaitu berbasis Karya Ilmiah Kompetitif, yaitu PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa) yang diselengkarankan Kemenristekdikti. Alhamdulillah dulu sempat diberi kesempatan merasakan PIMNAS dan dapet kemudahan dari kampus buat nyelesaikan tugas akhir pakai karya ini.
Cerita tadi bukan bermaksud gimana-gimana ya hehe. Emang ngerasa bersyukur banget ngga usah ujian skripsi. Tapi itu bisa terjadi mungkin karena salah satu lagi doa ayah bunda yang dikabulkan sama Allah.
Sindrom leha leha |
Bedasarkan pengalaman seorang mahasiswi semester 7 yang pengen segera lulus tapi deadliner banget, sebaiknya berkasnya bisa dicicil dari kamu penelitian. Nah karena pengalamanku sendiri buat daftar ujian itu ribet, aku ingin share tahap-tahapnya agar kebingunan ini tidak terjadi turun temurun.
Ada banyaaaak sekali berkas-berkas secara administrasi yang harus disiapkan. Nah, ini adalah checklistnya.
Berkas-berkas tersebut bisa diunduh di web jurusan sama web fakultas. Ati-ati ada file yang ngga update hehehe terakhir kali file yang baru itu (Revisi 2017) kayak gini: (link)
Nah, sebenernya setelah download semua berkas-berkas itu aku bingung banget. Dari awal Desember 2017 sampe pertengahan Desember 2017 file itu aku anggurin padahal itu udah mau akhir semester 7. Padahal jujur aku sangat menghindari bayar UKT semester 8 karena tinggal beberapa hari lagi semester 7 mau berakhir. Terus panik dong?!?!
Again, ketika makin banyak yang harus dilakukan sementara waktu makin dikit, akhirnya tetep ngga ngapa-ngapain sampai akhir Desember daaaaan ke skip libur akhir tahun.
Panik panik panik |